Tv tropes slay the spire
Tv tropes slay the spire

tv tropes slay the spire

There's also a magical variant with the Herd-Hitting Attack Mana Spirit. Charged Attack: The appropriately timed Brutal Attacks with Bathoryn's two-handed sword.Once the player finally reaches him in time for a Final Boss fight, it is revealed that the old warrior didn't recognize Vroll because he's not Bathroyn - his sword is.Vroll teleports away, naively trusting his monsters to punish Bathoryn for his "insolence". It is truly an eternal war we wage." However, Bathoryn absolutely fails to recognize him at first, and considers him just another abomination in his way. As soon as Bathoryn awakens and leaves his tomb, he is greeted by Vroll himself, who acknowledges him with "Bathoryn, we meet again. But for Me, It Was Tuesday: A heroic example.Breath Weapon: Dragon Vroll is predictably capable of breathing out fire, but he can also attack with a lightning-like beam from his mouth.Big Bad: Lord Vroll, the evil tyrant who is responsible for the entire mess befelling the realm.

tv tropes slay the spire

They even have a boss variant, Mother Beholder: killing her leads to a remark that Beholders are Vroll's favoured pets, to the point he even names them all individually, so this is sure to upset him. Airborne Mook: The second enemy type faced by Bathoryn are Beholders, which are large tentacled skull-like heads that fly around in circles and spit balls of green acid.Luckily, hitting Vroll with your sword causes him to drop lots of mana globes to replenish your magical reserves. In his final stage, the only way to really cause lasting harm to Vroll is by using magic.It can still harm you with collision damage and its lightning breath, though so watch out! The Talisman itself - after an entire game of vicious bosses, the Talisman lets you resist the fire attacks of Vroll's dragon form.Each stage of Vroll counts as its own battle - if you beat his first stage, but lose to his second, you start the fight with his second stage fresh off.There's usually a checkpoint before each boss, meaning you won't have to fight your way through the level again to reach said boss.Any piece of the Talisman that you happen to find will remain in your inventory after you die, even if you haven't found a checkpoint yet.Anti-Frustration Features: Mild ones, mind you, but they're there all the same:.In this game's setting, one can't get more awesome than that. Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: The Talisman - find all its pieces, and it turns the second stage of Vroll's boss fight into a relative cakewalk by shielding you against his fire breath.The penultimate boss, Hogre, wields a large, two-handed axe, which he also sets on fire during his second phase. An Axe to Grind: An icy axe is one of Bathoryn's alternate weapons.Bathoryn honors him as a fellow warrior, and grants his request for a warrior's death. Hogre also counts, being bound to guard Lord Vroll's castle whether he wants to or not.Tellingly, Bathoryn respectfully asks her to let him pass instead of insulting her when the fight ends, he urges her to fade away peacefully. Alas, Poor Villain: The Banshee Queen - according to the pre-stage exposition, she was a noblewoman who was tricked into damning herself and her children by Lord Vroll.On the bright side, the wolf form is so strong, it easily smashes through stone obstacles and any enemies in your way alike. This means converting Bathoryn into a huge wolf, and then having to outrun the even larger, and totally invulnerable wolf spirit through a pretty long area. Advancing Boss of Doom: Entering the Wolf Caves area requires proving yourself to the spirits of the wolf pack.

tv tropes slay the spire tv tropes slay the spire

  • Thorn Beast boss also generates a rain of acidic burrs at the end of its roll attack.
  • Either way, getting killed by them completely dissolves Bathoryn, only leaving a pool of green sludge behind. Larger demon creatures in the Bloodgrounds can sometimes spit it as well.
  • Acid Attack: Spitting green-colored acid globules is the main attack of Beholders: the Mother Beholder can spit a whole burst of them.
  • Even the Kickstarter description says that they were constructed "on a palatial scale".
  • Absurdly-Spacious Sewer: The Old Town Sewers Level.

  • Tv tropes slay the spire