Syberia ii ps3
Syberia ii ps3

syberia ii ps3

However, in Syberia 2, the prompts gradually are taken off the notepad after you’ve heard all there is to say about something. Although quite in tune with several graphical adventure games, it still creates a moment when players, especially new to the genre, would need to hear the same dialogue repeated unnecessarily. Previously, when you talked to character in the first Syberia, your notepad would just display the same prompts over and over, but sometimes harping on the same point again would yield new information. The gameplay mechanics are more of the same (walk, interact, use) with one HUGE difference that made me incredibly happy. And, of course, actually seeing what the mysterious island of Syberia looks like feels ultimately satisfying and on par with Hans’ visions and dreams. When Syberia 2 introduced this, it wasn’t quite as done to death. Part of me feels like this is kind of old hat and borderline stereotypical, but, again, remembering this game predates even the Wii gives a bit of leeway on things. Without giving away too much, Kate does take several journeys through time and sees a bit of the past, and the general effect is created through the use of sepia and a bit of patience. The unrelenting theme of “snowy and cold” permeates throughout the outside world, but there’s still plenty of architecture in Romansburg to admire, and the general detail that’s gone into the creation of tomes and written items that Kate must leaf through is pretty solid. As a game that’s over a decade old, Microids has done a pretty solid job of keeping the visuals clean and up-to-date without doing a total overall. Graphically, you’re getting more of the same for Syberia 2, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s even a moment between Oscar and Hans towards the end of the game that makes me throw up my hands and say “Why was this introduced so late?!” I Well, it’s obvious why (build tension, make Kate run around and do things) but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. There’s a lot of danger and foreboding that lurks at every train station, and it generally feels like Kate is abandoning her lawyer’s briefcase in favor of two pistols and a tank top at times. Kate is now whole hog invested with Hans on his trip to find Syberia, and there are more than a few forces at work to try and prevent the old man from achieving his dream.

syberia ii ps3


While Syberia 1 was grounded in reality with touches of whimsy and mythical elements, Syberia 2 straight up throws everything out the window and almost goes full occult. Syberia 2, strangely, feels like the antithesis of the first game, at least in regards to the points of Syberia 1 that I really enjoyed.

syberia ii ps3

It’s by the same chef, different style, and, if you’ve just eaten, it’s a lot to swallow down. Instead, it’s a whole second meal, and you really gotta take your time to digest things, because, if the first five courses were French, this is five Italian sets. So I feel that fans viewed the release of Syberia 2 as that little something extra, a compliment at the end that would completely end the overall experience. You finish the first Syberia, a game that first was created in 2002, with a sense of satisfaction that is like wrapping up a modest five course meal: you’re full and happy, that’s all you need, but you wouldn’t say no to a little dessert. When we last left Kate Walker at the end of Syberia, it was a conclusion of open-ended wonder and adventure, something that really felt like it captured the spirit of a film but with the delivery of a game.

Syberia ii ps3