Face of mars google earth
Face of mars google earth

face of mars google earth

Ha, you knew better than that, didn't you? Naturally, all the "Face" enthusiasts accepted that they were wrong and showed no further interest. The orbiter photographed the face again in 2001, when it was in its proper mapping orbit, allowing higher resolution images. This confirmed NASA's initial position that it was due to the light and the low-quality resolution of the camera on the Viking 1 that gave it the smooth appearance. Due to the interest in the "face" NASA released the new photos which clearly showed it to be a mountain, although it does look a bit like an island surrounded by no water. NASA's Mars Global Surveyor imaged the "Face" in April 1998, before it had even finished aerobraking into low Martian orbit.

face of mars google earth

There would probably be fewer claims of a conspiracy or intelligent intent were a hill to form the shape of an elbow, a foot, or even a fairly distinctive hand giving the Earth a middle finger (*cough* Carina Nebula *cough*).Īll this should have fallen by the wayside, as higher resolution images of the area have been made by other spacecraft since then: The human brain is surprisingly active when the eyes that belong to that brain see a face, practically screaming to the mind of the individual of which that brain belongs " Dude! That's a face!" Unless suffering from prosopagnosia, a person can not help but to see a face when viewing any shapes arranged to even remotely form a face. This is similar to the monkey typewriter theory. From there, they assume that as the probability was small, it must have had a designer, failing to realize that a few alarming coincidences here and there are unavoidable when a system has as many variables to work with as an entire universe even a literal one-in-a-million outcome will happen about a thousand times if you do it a billion times.


Seeing a series of coincidences in a single area, they understand that the probability that these were created naturally is small. īesides the fact that proponents of the idea have no evidence of an intelligent designer, they also make an error that many anti-evolutionists make. Hoagland, who won the 1997 Ig Nobel Prize in Astronomy for his book The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever. One of the most persistent supporters of this delusion is Richard C. However, true believers know that the feature was actually built by aliens and that NASA has been trying to cover that up (NASA's mission to search for evidence of extraterrestrial life or civilizations is actually a lie orchestrated by Reptoids, the fact that they even released the photo in the first place was a 4D chess move designed to confuse us). Project scientist Harold Masursky joked about it that "This is the guy that built all of Lowell’s canals." NASA released the photo to the public and pointed out this cool trick of light, shadows, and low-resolution orbital photography. It was first discovered by the Viking 1 orbiter. The mensae are characterized by knobs and mesas (mensae is the plural of mensa, which means table).

face of mars google earth

The Face on Mars refers to a photo of a feature that looks like a human face on the surface of the planet Mars, specifically in the area of Cydonia Mensae, an area of Mars adjacent to the border between the Northern lowlands and the Western Arabia Terra.

Face of mars google earth